10 Survival Minecraft Tips!

It is without a doubt that we have all struggled in Survival at one point so that's why I compiled the best 10 tips I could find. If this helps then like the blog and if you have any more tips for struggling players then just place them in the comment section down below. So let's get right into the tips.

Minecraft Tips
1. Co-Ordinates are your Bestie
I would recommend starting off your game by putting your co-ordinates on as it is extremely easy to get lost but it also makes it super easy to find the co-ordinates of cool structures as all you have to do is screenshot.

2. Don't be Messy
I personally am an extremely messy person but I can not stress enough that keeping your chests organised will allow you to play this game. However, I would not listen to a Hypocrite because if you look at the screenshot of my chests on Instagram then it is a different story.

3. Keep your eyes on Durability
Now, it is extremely frustrating when you are deep into the caves trying to get your iron and diamonds then all of a sudden your pickaxe breaks. Well that is completely fixable, there is a little green bar in the bottom of each tool that goes red if you're having trouble so you better swap it out.

4. Fences Can Save You
If you are being chased by mobs then quickly pen yourself and watch as they struggle to get at you but do be careful of creepers as they can blow this up and also LIGHT IT UP with torches.

5. Villagers Love Boats
If you are like myself then you probably have no idea why villagers love boats but it does allow us to trap them and can allow us to transport them into a villager trading centre. You can also trap them by keeping them in their homes.

6. Torch Trackers??

Torches light up your path but can also create your path and show where you have explored. So use it.

7. MLG Water Bucket Clutch
Let's keep it simple, have a water bucket in your inventory. It means that you do not have to be scared of falling from high places and can also be used as a cheeky elevator.

8. Use the Right Tool
It can be confusing having many tools but please please please use the right tool as it will make your life so much easier and so much quicker.

9. Wanna be Safe?
Sleep at night!

10. Just Have Fun!
Well done, you reached the final tip but are probably quite dissapointed that it is just something as simple as Have Fun but that is the whole premise of the game. You should have as much as fun as you can or you will get bored easily.

Qwelksy, Over and Out!

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